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Challenges for Gilroy

Hello and welcome to my issues page. As I run for Gilroy City Council, I'm excited to share what matters most to me and how I aim to make a positive impact on our community. Let's work together to build a stronger, more vibrant Gilroy for everyone. Ready to shake things up?


Building Trust through Accountability:

Accountability in local government means ensuring our elected officials and city agencies own up to their actions. It's about being transparent in decision-making, adhering to high ethical standards, and providing ways for the public to monitor activities. Holding leaders accountable builds trust and ensures they are working fairly and efficiently for the community.

My Approach to Accountability:

  • Outcome-Focused Programs: I am committed to ensuring our city programs benefit everyone. This involves setting clear goals, regularly checking progress, and measuring success with real results. Whether it’s enhancing safety, improving infrastructure, or creating jobs, I believe in tracking progress with solid data.
  • Performance Metrics: Setting clear goals and using data to track progress is crucial. Regular checkpoints allow for necessary adjustments, ensuring our efforts are effective for the community. I will work with staff to implement success metrics and openly share results to see how our programs are benefiting Gilroy.

Together, we can make sure every program truly makes a difference in Gilroy.


Transparency – The Ultimate Trust-Builder:

Transparency in local government is crucial for building public trust. Without it, trust slowly fades away. Since 2021, I've proven my commitment to transparency on the Planning Commission, and I'm dedicated to giving you straight facts, no illusions. Words matter, and I aim to be clear and precise in my communication.

My Transparency Pledge:

Data-Driven Decisions: I’ll bring transparency to the City Council by focusing on data-driven decisions, full disclosure, and active community engagement. By asking tough questions and fostering open dialogue, I aim to build trust and ensure our government remains accountable to the people it serves.

Owning Mistakes: I’m not perfect, and I’m okay with that. It takes courage to admit flaws and face critics head-on. Even after years on the Planning Commission, I’m still learning and making mistakes. But when I slip up, I own it and fix it.

Persistent Inquiry: I will persistently ask questions and dive into details to get the answers. For example, I spent six months investigating Glen Loma permits to ensure transparency.

Engaging the Community: I’m always here to respond and engage with anyone who reaches out. It’s not just my duty as a Planning Commissioner and your future City Council member—it’s who I am.

Curious about how I plan to bring more transparency to Gilroy? Head over to the News section and check out:

  • Breaking News: "A Call for Independence and Collaboration" – The Epicenter of Change in Gilroy! (posted Saturday, September 14, 2024)
  • Un-Endorsed? More like UN-STOPPABLE! (posted Monday, September 2, 2024)

It’s time to shake things up!

Fiscal Responsibility

Fiscal Responsibility: The Cornerstone of Transparent and Accountable Governance

Transparency and Accountability: These are not just buzzwords; they are the foundation of fiscal responsibility. When our government operates with clear, open decision-making processes and holds itself accountable to the public, it ensures that taxpayer dollars are spent wisely and effectively.

Clear Choices Lead to Better Outcomes: Transparent governance means making decisions in the open, with input from the community and stakeholders. This openness allows for better scrutiny and understanding of how and why decisions are made. When choices are clear, it’s easier to see the direct impact of those decisions on our city’s finances.

Accountability Drives Prudence: Holding our leaders accountable means they must justify their spending and policy decisions. This accountability ensures that every dollar is accounted for and spent with purpose. It discourages wasteful spending and encourages thoughtful, strategic investments that benefit our community in the long run.

Building Trust Through Financial Responsibility: Fiscal responsibility builds trust between the government and the community. When citizens see that their money is being managed responsibly, they are more likely to support initiatives and policies. This trust is essential for fostering a collaborative, engaged community.

Practical Steps for Fiscal Responsibility:

  1. Regular Financial Reporting: Clear, accessible financial reports that detail income, expenditures, and budget projections.
  2. Community Involvement: Engaging the community in budget discussions and decision-making processes.
  3. Performance Audits: Regular audits of programs and projects to ensure they deliver value and meet their objectives.
  4. Strategic Planning: Long-term financial planning that considers future needs and challenges, ensuring sustainability.

By committing to transparency and accountability, we pave the way for fiscal responsibility, creating a stronger, more financially stable Gilroy. Let's make sure every dollar spent is a step towards a better future for all of us.

Public Safety

Backing Gilroy's Police and Fire Departments:

I’m all about giving a shoutout to our Gilroy Police and Fire Departments. Let’s face it, they’re facing some serious challenges: officer and firefighter shortages, rotation challenges, and a dire need for more fire stations. And don’t even get me started on their paychecks—competitive compensation is crucial.

My Game Plan for Public Safety:

  • Maximizing Resources: With Gilroy’s budget constraints, we should actively seek federal and state grants to help cover costs and get creative with community involvement to bolster personnel and reach.
  • Enforcing Ordinances: It’s time to start actively enforcing existing public safety ordinances to ensure they are effective and impactful.
  • Community Involvement: Ensuring neighborhood safety is a collective effort. We need citizens to work alongside local government to address crime supported by dedicated service from the City Council, City Staff, Police, and Fire.

My Community Safety Focus:

  • Prioritizing Crime and Safety
  • Developing Community Tools
  • Measuring Success

Economic Development & Quality of Life

Economic Development & Quality of Life

Tax breaks alone won’t cut it; we need a real strategy to move our city forward. City reports should do more than just announce businesses—they should create new opportunities. We need to go after businesses, understand our market gaps, and target the right companies. Let’s offer incentives that matter and show off Gilroy’s strengths with a killer online presence and savvy networking. Promoting fairness, inclusion, sustainability, and resilience isn’t optional—it’s essential. We need to attract businesses that pay more than minimum wage and offer real career growth. A 'Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats' (SWOT) analysis will help us know where we stand and find new allies. Community feedback isn’t just a box to check; it should drive our plans. Our evaluation framework needs clear goals, metrics, and success criteria, with constant progress monitoring and quick strategy adjustments. Developers must be held accountable with rock-solid contracts and transparent reporting based on real data.

My Development Strategy:

  • Local Control: Essential for development.
  • Targeted Attraction: Identify gaps, target companies, offer smart incentives.
  • Promote Strengths: Showcase Gilroy’s advantages.
  • Environmental Considerations: Protect our environment.
  • Affordable Housing: Ensure housing options for living, working, and playing in Gilroy.
  • Evaluation Framework: Define our goals, metrics, and success criteria.

Wanna know more? Click the link and get in the know!

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Transportation & Parking

I'm all about smart, evidence-based development that fits Gilroy's unique needs. I support boosting public transit use and protecting future transportation hubs while opposing any half-baked plans to force us out of our cars without real alternatives. Let's make decisions that actually work for us, not just follow the trend!

I’m All In For:

  • Evidence-Based Planning: Only advocate for development strategies, including Transit-Oriented Development (TOD), when backed by transparent national studies.
  • Future Transportation Hubs: Focus on Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) housing near areas where Gilroy will develop transportation hubs.
  • Protecting Parking Spaces: Ensure the protection of our train station parking lot in 2021 and during the 2023-2031 Housing Element planning.
  • Data-Driven Decisions: Valley Transit Authority (VTA) Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request showed a 13% increase in parking use (2013-2019), proving Gilroy residents are using public transit more.
  • Reducing Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT): Support reducing VMT with viable public transportation options.
  • Local Control: Support local control over parking and development decisions.

I'm Out On:

  • Developing the Gilroy VTA Parking Lot: Oppose developing the VTA parking lot in Downtown Gilroy to preserve future parking needs.
  • Forced Transit Changes: Against forcing residents out of their cars without viable public transportation alternatives.
  • Punitive Measures for Commuters: Oppose toll roads, mileage taxes and other penalties when public transportation options are insufficient.

Let’s Talk Financial Reality:

  • VTA’s Financial Crisis: Acknowledging VTA's massive budget deficit and poor financial oversight as reported by the 2019 Santa Clara County Civil Grand Jury.

Curious for more? Click the link to get a second serving on this topic.

Want to know more about my vision for improving transportation and parking in Gilroy? Head over to the News section and take a look at:

  • Breaking News: Shaking Up Public Transit Equity in the Gilroy Dispatch! (posted Thursday, August 29, 2024)

We’re gearing up to shake things up!

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Balanced Housing Solutions:

I am against high-density housing sold at market rate. We need better solutions. Identify clear metrics for success based on data and have transparent reporting to evaluate program effectiveness.

My Vision for Gilroy:

  • Elevate Gilroy and its Residents: Every resident deserves quality, affordable housing that supports their well-being and growth. Let’s make affordable housing solutions the backbone of our economic development.

  • Avoid Becoming a Bedroom Community: Gilroy is more than just a place to sleep. We need housing development that goes hand in hand with job creation and economic opportunities, so folks can live, work, and play right here.

  • Focus on What We Can Do: Let’s get creative. By fostering innovative partnerships between developers and local businesses, we can deliver affordable housing options that truly support our economic goals.

  • Integrate Affordable Housing with Economic Growth: Affordable housing and economic development should be a dynamic duo. Attracting new businesses and supporting local enterprises will create job opportunities that sync with our housing goals, ensuring sustainable growth and a thriving community.

  • State Mandates and Local Control: Sure, we’ve got state mandates to follow, but let’s be clear—I’m all about local control. We know what’s best for Gilroy, and we should have the power to make decisions that reflect our unique needs and priorities.

  • Appropriate Parking for Housing Builds: Parking matters. I support making sure new housing developments include appropriate parking solutions. It’s essential for maintaining our quality of life and keeping our neighborhoods functional and fabulous.

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Stefanie Elle for City Council 2024
FPPC# 1468396
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