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The Epicenter of Change is Growing

I’ve built a reputation for accountability and transparency on the Gilroy Planning Commission, always putting our community first. These supporters have joined the epicenter of change, backing a movement for responsible, people-centered governance.

At the top of this page, you'll find endorsements with personal messages of support. Scroll down to see a list of endorsers who have added their names in solidarity. Will you join us and help amplify this message? Together, we can shake things up and keep Gilroy strong!

I am a fourth generation Gilroyan and have watched politics in this city for decades. I have served on various committees and been involved up in local elections, only to be so discouraged and disappointed that I stopped. Your campaign is a breath of fresh air and I really like your approach for information and transparency!

— Kathy Chavez

Being a member of the oft-overlooked demographic of people with a "long life experience" I can tell you Stefanie actually HEARD what I had to say about the concerns shared by those of us in this group. Please vote for Stefanie Elle for Gilroy City Council. — Leona Keith

I am proud to endorse Stefanie Elle for City Council. A forward thinking, non-partisan leader, Stefanie has consistently shown her deep commitment to the well being of Gilroy. As a resident, she understands the unique challenges and opportunities Gilroy faces, and her passion for making the city a better place for everyone is evident in everything she does. With extensive experience working on the planning commission, Stefanie knows how to navigate the complexities of city government. Her commitment to the process, along with her ability to collaborate with diverse stakeholders, speaks to her effectiveness as a leader. What sets Stefanie apart is her forward-thinking approach to growth and development. She is deeply conscious of the need to balance progress with sustainability, ensuring that every decision she supports makes sound environmental sence. Her education, experience and dedication to listening to her constituents ensure that every decision she makes reflects the needs of the people she serves. Please join me in supporting Stefanie Elle for City Council. — Christine Kubogamell

Gilroy residents would do well for themselves by electing Stefanie Elle to their city council in November, 2024. I met Stefanie a few years back and have been impressed by her dedication to a better community. She listens, she learns, and she takes action. I endorse Stefanie and would vote for her if I still lived in Gilroy. — Steve Mink
Beekeeper, open space volunteer, IBM retiree

I strongly endorse Stefanie Elle for Gilroy City Council because she is the epicenter of change! As a two-term member of the Planning Commission, Stefanie has proven her policy-mindedness over and over. She comes to the table well-researched and isn't afraid to ask the tough questions. Stefanie's commitment to what she thinks is best for Gilroy is unwavering, and her policy-minded approach instills confidence in her ability to make informed decisions for our community. Stefanie is not a rubber-stamper; she is beholden to no political party and, thus, won't push forward legislation that is wrong for Gilroy in hopes of advancing her political career. Gilroy is Stefanie's home; she genuinely wants our city to thrive! — Cheryl Parks

Stephanie gets my endorsement. She thinks independently. Congratulations on being rescinded by the Democratic party. Her decisions will represent ALL of us, not "group think" policies — Jeanne Gage

She is the best person for the job. She is smart, caring and compassionate about our city and will do her best to improve Gilroy.

— Lorianna Leal

Stefanie Elle has been an amazing Planning Commissioner, always showing up for our community and leading with a clear vision for a better future. Her experience, integrity, and passion make her the perfect fit for Gilroy's City Council. She truly gets what our community needs and knows how to tackle the challenges ahead. I'm confident that Stefanie will keep bringing the same dedication and excellence to the City Council that she has as Planning Commissioner. — Ivan Rodriguez
Aggie Siemko
Carolyn Tognetti
Jeff Parks
Connie Rogers
Former Council Member
Dan Graeber
Carlos Ceballos
Stephen Bird
Partner Manager
Ronald Kirkish
Jennifer Frederiksen-Parsley
Dion Bracco
Business Owner Bracco's Towing, Gilroy City Council Member
Carol Marques
Mayor Pro Tempore
Antonia Guerrero
Luis Noboa
Brenda Elle

Stefanie Elle for City Council 2024
FPPC# 1468396
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