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Economic Development & Quality of Life

Current Situation:

Sure, we’ve got tax breaks and some opportunities for the lucky few, but let’s face it—these alone won’t cut it. We’re missing a comprehensive strategy that fuels sustainable growth. It’s time to get serious about what it takes to move our city forward.

Current Reporting:

City reports on economic development should do more than just announce businesses that have already opened. We need to shift from reporting to actively developing new opportunities. Let’s make sure our reports reflect our efforts to build a thriving economy.

Attracting Businesses to Gilroy:

Let’s get proactive: we need to seek out businesses and engage with them directly, rather than waiting for them to knock on our door. This means understanding our local industries and market gaps, and targeting the right companies at industry events and local business groups. Sure, we can offer tax breaks and other perks, but let’s make sure they’re worth it. Show off Gilroy’s charms with a killer online presence and savvy networking.

Quality of Life:

Fairness, inclusion, sustainability, and resilience aren’t just buzzwords—they’re the backbone of our quality of life. Gilroy’s got a history of adapting and thriving, but let’s raise the bar. We need to attract businesses that offer more than just minimum wage and give their employees a real shot at climbing the career ladder.

My Development Strategy:

  • My Development Strategy:

    • Local Control of Development: Local control isn’t up for debate—it’s a must.
    • Targeted Business Attraction: Pinpoint local industry gaps, go after the right companies at events, and offer incentives that make sense.
    • Promoting Gilroy's Strengths: Showcase what makes Gilroy special, like our reverse commute advantage, and make setting up shop here a no-brainer.
    • Environmental Considerations: Let’s make sure new businesses don’t mess with our clean air and beautiful environment.
    • Affordable Housing: Ensure there are affordable housing options so people can live, work, and play right here in Gilroy.

SWOT Analysis:

Time for a SWOT analysis to get the lay of the land. We need a solid understanding of where we are and where we’re headed. This will help us identify who’s already in our corner, including residents, businesses, and regional partners—and find new allies to strengthen our game.

Community Engagement:

Community engagement shouldn’t be an afterthought. The current tax proposal isn’t cutting it—it’s just a test to see if people will even consider it. Let’s prioritize listening to our community and weave their feedback into our plans.

Evaluation Framework:

We need an evaluation framework that’s not just a box to check. Define our goals, metrics, and success criteria, and keep a close eye on progress. If something’s off, we need to pivot quickly and try a new approach.

Accountability for Developers:

  • Developers need to be held accountable for their promises—no exceptions.
  • Contracts should protect us now and in the future.
  • Success metrics should be crystal clear, based on real data and transparent reporting.

Stefanie Elle for City Council 2024
FPPC# 1468396
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